At first, when I approached this project, I had no idea what I wanted to do. However, as I thought about it, I had several ideas and concepts I wanted to use. Firstly, I wanted to create my chair out of metal, and use one piece of sheet metal to bend and form one particular shape. However, I learned that I did not have the ability to do that. Therefore, I decided to create it out of wood and spray paint it to mimic the feel of metal.
Since it is a school chair, I wanted to make a chair that would fool students. When you look from afar, the chair looks like metal and is very shiny and metallic. Then, when you look closer, it is actually created out of wood. This is the literal part of it. The metaphorical part of it is fooling the students with these simple, and unique chairs which will draw them into the school instead of looking at the other aspects of the school (reputation, studies) so any bad aspects of the school will be covered up. So, there is a sense of false advertising.
Also, I decided to make the chair not only simple because of my lack of building skills, but because students will feel more relaxed because of the simplicity of the chair, versus the complexity of the studies in school. However, they will feel tense at the same time because of the triangles (hard edges) and the hard surfaces of the chair. They will have to concentrate on their studies. The sharp points of the arm rests will wake them up if they are feeling tired and want to fall asleep. They are like warnings/alarms.
Lastly, I wanted to create my chair out of metal because I've heard of a saying of "heart like steel" or "heart with strings of steel" (Hamlet). Since it is a school chair, the "heart" of a school are the students and the body of the school, and the steel would be the chairs. And because students are always sitting on chairs, they are always bounded/connected together. Therefore, the heart and the "strings of steel" go together, like the heart and its arteries. It is the same thought, except in this case, they are the students (the heart - both literally and metaphorically because I'm referencing them as the "actual heart" and the "heart of the school") and the strings of metal/steel are the "arteries." Their connection bonds very closely (heart - arteries / students - chair).
Another thing is that where I found the chair, I spoke to the janitor and she said that at least 4 or 5 chairs were being broken everyday, so I wanted to come up with a strategy to stop that from happening. Metal is a very durable substance for building objects. It should have no problem to withstand large amounts of pressure from students. Its past was something weak and should be forgotten, and now it has been rehabilitated to be stronger and more durable. Its new role is to serve the students better with school, as its past did not do that job very well. Through experience and more contact with the students, it will adapt with the students.
Composite Drawing:
Final Product:

Found chair:
For this chair, I removed the broken back and threw it away along with the removed seat.
This chair isn't exactly "broken," and not really a legitimate chair but it was the best I could find so far. However, I'd like to find an actual better "broken" chair.
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